2016 Pennsylvania Wing Festival
Published: July/22/2016
Wing season is definitely upon us! In addition to the 2016 Wings at the Waterpark, there’s another wing fest happening the week after.
The Pennsylvania Wing Festival is happening on August 13, 2016 at the Pocono Raceway. It’s a $10 admission to walk round the raceway and check out all the different vendors. Buy wing tickets to sample any wing of your choosing. Wing Tickets are $1 each. They are still looking for wing vendors to sign up, too. If you’re a restaurant that wants to show off your delicious flavors, head over to the Pocono Raceway’s Pennsylvania Wing Festival website to register. If your wing wins in one of the categories of Best Buffalo Wing, Hottest Wing, Best Alternative, or Chef’s Choice, you could win $1,000!
If you’re a wing nut looking to experience this awesome event, click on the same link above to buy your tickets. If you’re lucky, you’ll get to see us hanging around the fest as well. On top of that, we’ll be judging the wings to determine the winners. We can’t wait to sample all these wings! Hope to see you there!